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Who loves vocal exploration, indulges in music wanderlust, and wants to be part of a creative community while staying in own chosen place?


✨ Everybody is welcome to create with us ✨


Thursday, 29th August


1 pm - 1.45 pm (BST)



(no recordings: the results are more powerful when things are live and collaborative)



No cancellations are available. That said, it is possible to transfer your booking to another person.

After the booking, an email containing all the essential details is manually sent to the email address you provided within 48 hours of your booking.


What is Vocal Toning?

Vocal Toning is a form of sound healing technique that uses sound, vibration, frequency, and playfulness as powerful tools for transformation. These guided yet intuitive toning sessions use our voices to harmonise and balance the energies within and around us. The sessions boost physical, emotional, and mental health, creativity, curiosity, growth mindset, and vocal expression. Each session explores a blend of different elements, such as vocal register, breath patterns, improvisation, seed/primal sounds, and overtones.  These sessions are for those who are curious about the voice and its potential as well as for those who want more from vocal exploration.



What will the session be like?

This virtual, self-exploratory, vocal toning session was designed in a particular way. I will not be able to hear you sing, but I will guide you so that you can sing and intuitively improvise from your home. There will also be an opportunity to sing together at the end (if you want to collaborate).


Benefits of vocal toning:

Vocal toning decreases blood pressure, slows brain wave speeds to meditative states, improves variability in heart rate and breathing efficiency, increases lymphatic circulation, enhances the immune system, and reduces pain. A study by Snow et al. (2018) found that shifts in attention, awareness, and consciousness were regularly observed during vocal toning. There is an overwhelming number of benefits… Vocal toning catalyses physical and emotional healing, reduces stress, improves concentration, promotes relaxation, and improves voice quality/resonance and communication skills in daily life. Shortly said, when using your voice in this intentional practice, the vocal frequency will balance the body’s frequencies so that each session will not only enhance your vocal quality but also your well-being.

Come and light up the fire in your heart ✨

View more testimonials by clicking here 


Run by Michaela

"Hi. I am Michaela. I am passionate about creating and singing with others. That is why I set up Circle Singing London 10 years ago. Come and join our circle. It would be wonderful to have you. Please also feel free to visit my website to learn more about my work:

Thank you for submitting!

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